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Soft PVC gaskets
Soft PVC gaskets
This is the first product group developed by the company. The design of the ILPEA sealing frames is an ongoing innovation and development that applies to both operation and materials. As a result, the thickness of the seal and the degree of compression have reached optimum levels.
Rigid PVC  products
Rigid PVC products
ILPEA has developed a wide range of impact-resistant PVC hard frames for freezers, commercial freezers and glass door refrigerators. Thanks to the process developed by the company, it was possible to join the corners of frames made of extruded fibers to obtain a rounded corner with an inside and outside diameter of 30 mm.
Coextruded products
Coextruded products
This coextruded sealing frame made of hard and soft material is currently the most innovative product on the market. The base is a hard part having at least one V-shaped elastic flange that snaps into the interior of the door; while the soft part contains an air hose which provides normal sealing frame function. This allows the sealing frame to be automatically mounted on the door and facilitates the assembly of semi-finished products.